As I already outlined - the biggest mistakes I made in my fitness beginnings were due to practicing various "guaranteed procedures" that were provided to me by "more experienced" exercisers, or that were freely available on the Internet, where, unfortunately, absolutely anyone can publish and that regardless of his actual knowledge and experience. Thanks to my own experiences from this period, I know how much it would have helped me then and how much time, money and problems it would have saved if I could have turned to someone who really knows what and how, that is, someone who already has the know-how.

Today, I have my many years of proven know-how, which I would like to pass on to you, so that you, on your way to the desired figure, will no longer waste precious time searching for the right direction in the labyrinth of various myths and half-truths


Nowadays, the words about individual approach may sound like a cliché. However, I am absolutely convinced that every person is an original, both physically and psychologically, and everyone has, of course, completely different time and financial possibilities. Whether you want to exercise together, request a training plan, or are interested in a nutrition plan, I will always approach you individually and with regard to your options. I try to design all my activities in such a way that they not only lead to your goal, but also that they are fun for you, that they are not financially unattainable and, of course, that they do not detract excessively from the time that you want to devote to your family, work, or other hobbies

Are you determined to change your figure, but still afraid to take the first step and come to the gym, because you are worried that it is a place full of people with perfect figures who would immediately laugh at you as soon as you step into the gym? You can be completely calm. Nothing could be further from the truth than this opinion. I train in a smaller, but well-equipped gym in Prague 6 with a family atmosphere, so I can guarantee you that you will exercise really comfortably. Therefore, you will be the one who will leave the training with a smile on your face, and I hope that I will help your good mood with my not only professional, but also humane, friendly and completely relaxed approach.


Hydratace neboli zavodnění organismu je ta nejpodstatnější věc, kterou by měli vytrvalci v oblasti výživy řešit. Na nedostatek tekutin během sportu totiž nelze natrénovat a už malý pokles množství vody v těle může mít vliv na sportovní výkon.

Věnujte se regeneraci po sportu - vyplatí se!